Varsity One Trust is seeking to acquire an A-Grade office building at 1 Lake Orr Drive, Varsity Lakes on the Gold Coast, QLD
- 6,066 spm NLA
- 100% leased with diverse tenancy profile
- 3.1 year WALE
- Purchased well on a 9.0% ungeared yield and $5,300/sqm, providing a solid base as an investment
- The Gold Coast has strong investment fundamentals and very low office vacancy, which lends itself to a robust outlook
- Single-asset trust with a 5-7 year investment term
Project Investment Returns
- Distributions paid monthly, commencing at 8.25% p.a. and projected to average 8.75% p.a. (5 years).
- Total return (IRR) target to investor of 12.0% p.a. (after fees)
To obtain an information memorandum, please contact us. The offer is available to Wholesale Investors only.